Homestead Journey Setbacks
There have been a few homestead journey setbacks. So, It’s been a VERY busy past few months. My last post was in March, and here we are in July! WOW! What a wild ride it has been.
We had a plan and were making arrangements. Everything was going along (slowly) just fine. Then BOOM, plans changed. Half of the plans are still in place, it’s just that the family split. Half of us moved to Texas, and the other half are still going to Kentucky.
Chalk it up to life experiences. The Texas half still have the homestead dream, and the research is ongoing. I’m still going to urban garden, make soaps, can, and preserve foods. All the things I was doing before while working my day job.
Still Dreaming
The plan now is to buy some property and still start a homestead. I should be ready to make that jump again in a couple more years. For now, it will be practice, as if I need more practice to live the life I want.
Let’s not forget about all of the research that has gone into this for the last decade or more. There’s more to come, believe me. Researching properties, and how to get a good one, research building codes in a new state.
The planning process will begin anew, maybe looking at retirement from my career? Maybe looking at joining a group of like-minded individuals (I’m an introvert, so not super likely). The first question is where?
I have an idea of where, but am I going to switch jobs again to make it work, or retire and hopefully live off of blog income? There needs to be income for that!
Uncertain Times
We do live in uncertain times for sure. Being self-sufficient is important, being green is important. These are my core values and aspirations.
Where we go from here will be interesting. Unfortunately, I can’t give real building and making results for myself for a while. I will do what I can and continue posting for you to follow the journey with me.
Keep Researching for the Best Outcome
Here are some of the topics I researched in my journey so far. I hope you enjoy the insight to help make your own plan to start a homestead.